Wednesday, October 12, 2011

We're Getting Married!

Jess and I are getting married, WELL at some point. But we are recently ENGAGED!!! Wedding date to come when school plans become more settled. I hope they work themselves out soon cause I can't WAIT:)

LOVE Him:)

My best friend!

Beautiful sunset on Panama City Beach the day after the engagement:)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Went to bed with NO snow on the ground thinking that the news was completely mistaken. Woke up around 8 hours later... to THIS!!!

And the shoveling BEGINS!

My car.. If you can look closely you can see where Jess shoveled this morning and how  it already accumulated back..

Trying to show the height of the snow.

Now you can see the TRUE height.

The car & Jess' shoveled path.

Getting ready for MORE shoveling.


The Famous Shovel, Thank you for all your hard work!

More Car Pics.

And Again..

Shoveling a path to my car...

Can you tell I was COLD!?

The apartment complex. 

The "Front Yard!"

ALL the snow on the roof...

More shoveling. 

He defiantly got our moneys worth out of that shovel

My Car again..

Jess' on the trek to his car.

Another view

Jess' Car!

The bed of the neighbors truck was completely full..

Jess' car again..

Jess' "TRIED" to get his car unburied.. =FAIL


The snow was up to the door of the car...

This is me trying to get out of the car..

Notice, NO KNEES! That's A LOT of SNOW!

"Jess should I lay down in it?"

"Oh man! I sat on the bush."

Needless to say the bush didn't make it through winter or me sitting on it..

Jess' decided he'd FINISH covering my car completely with SNOW!

Thanks Babe! Guess I'm not going anywhere for awhile..
Hope you enjoyed ALL the pics! & Stay WARM!!! :)

Friday, February 4, 2011

Aunt Bebbis:)

I love this little girl, so incredibly much. She means the world to me. I want to come home from college and her know who her Aunt Bebbis is. When she has problems, I want her call me and know I will always be here for her. This child puts a smile on my face and love in my heart!

To a Special Niece:
There's nothing that's nicer
than having a niece
Who's always a pleasure to see;
Who brings so much sunshine
to all those around her
Wherever she happens to be;
Who means more than ever
as each day goes by,
Who's loved all year through;
There's nothing that's nicer
than having a niece
As dear and as special as you!

Gracie and I, on day one!

Jess and Gracie at the Crawfish Boil.

Papa G and GRR.

Great Grandparents, Mamaw Gracie and Papaw Vonnie! 
Love these 3!

Newborn Pictures.
God's Gift, says it all.

Blowing Bubbles with my Bebbis

I love you Aunt Bebbis!

How's it going?

Jumpy Jump with Bebbis

My Auntie is Awesome outfit, that of course her Bebbis bought her. :)

Yea, I'm cute what's it to ya?

Bebbis came home from college, just to spend time with her girl:)